Where I'm From

Published on 5 February 2025 at 11:54

Where I’m From Poem


I am from boardgames, 

from Uno and Monopoly 


I am from the red brick home and late-night laughter. 

From “Don’t forget to turn off the lights, 

and “Close the refrigerator door!” 


I am from the oak trees and indian paintbrushes swaying in the pasture, 

a long gravel drive that I chased my dog down. 


I am from 5 minutes early is on time and on time is late, 

From celebrating even the smallest victories.

From “Do your best” and “Don’t make that face or it will stick like that!” 


I am from folded hands and bowed heads, 

Easter egg hunts and candlelight services. 

From Apache and Cherokke;

pizza and quesadillas. 


I am from basketball games with dad, 

the arena full of cheers, and the long talks about sports with Grandpa. 


I am from photo albums filled with a lifetime of memories.

From vacations, birthdays, field trips, and so much more! 

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